Kids need mindfulness to develop calm, clear thinking and there are a lot of activities you can do to help them learn mindfulness. Mindfulness is a state of being where you observe things without judging them or giving any thoughts to them. Children have a lot of different activities to do that will teach them mindfulness. You can also teach mindfulness for children through more than just god, you can also teach them through exploring and play aswell.
How To Teach Kids To Be Mindful
When it comes to kids, you need to start with their daily activities to cultivate mindfulness. What are some of the daily activities that kids should engage in to cultivate mindfulness? As well as starting early, it’s important to note that in order to teach mindfulness for kids, it’s essential to practice it yourself as well and model it on your own.
The first activity kids can practice mindfulness for is awareness. This activity can be achieved by simply observing how objects around us act, such as moving objects in our environment, sounds, smells etc… Focus on these things and see how they behave. This is the first activity to undertake to cultivate mindfulness for kids.
The second activity children learn mindfulness for is noticing emotions. To do this you can use an object such as a piece of glitter or a ball of string, but if you want something easier then just use your eyes. Just focus on the emotion and feel it. For more intense feelings, just close your eyes or put your hands over your eyes. If this is too tiring then just redirect your attention by looking at a spot on the floor.
Lastly, kids can also learn mindfulness through mindful listening walk. To do this, put your hand on your belly and feel your breath. Listen to the subtle changes in your breath. As you do so, pay attention to anything you notice that makes you feel comfortable and calm. That is what being mindful is all about, feeling your way and listening to your body.
Why It’s Good For Them
Children do not need to complete these activities just for them to develop mindfulness. Teach them instead that being mindful is good and it can help them in their everyday lives. In that way, they will see how important it is not only to be good at activities but also at relaxing. With these activities, they can easily develop mindfulness that they need as they grow older.
Aside from activities and exercises, parents can also teach mindfulness for children by being an example and by modeling how they can be quiet and still. Kids need to see that adults are also peaceful. If you have stress in your life, find time to be alone and just focus on yourself. Find a peaceful place and just watch the world go by. Doing so will definitely help you be mindful.
Lastly, parents can help children learn mindfulness by giving them enjoyable and interesting activities to do. For kids, games are always fun to do. And to top it off, parents can set aside time for them to do these fun activities. This can be done before they even arrive at home by putting aside a few minutes to play a game or before they go to bed. This simple act can already serve as a great start to teaching mindfulness to your children.